Åkte hem tidigare från jobbet, pga. feber och förkylning.
Satt ute i solen med hundarna och kameran förståss,
innan vi la oss i soffan.
Idag snorar & hostar jag har lite feber också...
men trött i ryggen eftersom jag har legat så mycket!
Went home earlier from work, because. fever and a cold.
Set out in the sun with the dogs and the camera of course,
before we put ourselves on the couch.
Today snorer and coughing I have a little fever too ...
but tired in the back because I have lain so much!
Satt ute i solen med hundarna och kameran förståss,
innan vi la oss i soffan.
Idag snorar & hostar jag har lite feber också...
men trött i ryggen eftersom jag har legat så mycket!
Went home earlier from work, because. fever and a cold.
Set out in the sun with the dogs and the camera of course,
before we put ourselves on the couch.
Today snorer and coughing I have a little fever too ...
but tired in the back because I have lain so much!