Today it was a real SUN-day!
But I still have a little stomach-pain, I will go to the Dr. tomorrow.
Have'nt done so much today, been outside on our yard with our dogs,
Have'nt done so much today, been outside on our yard with our dogs,
Hilja wants to play some football,
E.G was also playful and thats not so offen in winter time.
I toke even some pic. on our appeltrees...
will try to take one photo each week on the trees to se them develop
Best thing with blogs & Facebook is that you have something to do
when you can't do enything with a sick body!!
when you can't do enything with a sick body!!
Our fence is 120 cm (47 inch.)
and all under the snow!
The hens-net I put ontop beacuse
Hilja jumped over lika a antelope!
Now to the Dalmatian dogs
Hilja standing still!!

but not for long...
Football time !!
Diffrent kind of "catching the ball styles".....
So now I have a pain in my behind also.....
sitting on a chair all day.....
sitting on a chair all day.....
Jisses vad med snö ni har!!! Helt sjukt egentligen. Det lär ju inte bli problem med snö till Vasaloppet i år varjefall *haha*. Dom som har snökanoner är nog arbetslösa... Härliga bilder varjefall!
SvaraRaderaVet inte hur mycket snö dalarna har men i nov. hade vi massor och de ca 1dm. bara. Kungsbergets skidanläggning borde ju går bra!!
SvaraRaderaKrya på dig Carin, oj vad mycket snö ni har hos er. Härliga bilder som det brukar när du är bakon kameralinsen. Krya på dig kram.