About Me

14/2 Walk, Work and SOS

In the morning we took a walk, very beautiful day.
Then I worked rest of the day, came home and made some fruitsallad with Sofia, Jummy!

Around 9 PM I was in the kitchen and look out the window and saw that our neighbour had fire in the chimney!
I called SOS. I went over to Malins house and she was asleep on the couch,
she got surprised when I opend the door and told her that I have called the firemen!
It was a "smaller" chimney-fire but it could have been worse!
Not everyone that have the house ful of firemen on Valentines day!! :-)
Here comes todays pictures!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Diane Vinoski17 februari, 2011

    Beautiful! It's just so pretty and they are having so much fun out in the snow!
